Walt Wiltschek, District Executive Minister
Bill Williams, Moderator
Jim Miner, District Webmaster
UPCOMING MEETINGS & EVENTS Property & Assets Management Team, March 25, 7 p.m.
Potluck Experience 2025, Peoria First Church of the Brethren, March 29, 9 a.m.-3:30 p.m.
Leadership Team, April 1, 7 p.m.
Christian Citizenship Seminar, Washington, D.C., April 5 – 9, 2025
Gifts Discernment and Call Committee, April 8, 7:15 p.m.
Ministry Leadership Development Team, April 9, 6:30 p.m.
Potluck Experience wrap-up meeting, April 10, 7 p.m.
BVS Zoom Information Session, April 15, 7 p.m.
Program & Arrangements Committee, April 23, 7 p.m.
District Clergy Gathering and CEU event, Bishop Lane Retreat Center, Rockford, May 1-2
National Youth Sunday, May 4
Young Adult Conference, Brethren Woods Camp and Retreat Center, May 23 – 25
Annual Conference briefing with moderator Dava Hensley, June 14, 10 a.m.
National Junior High Conference, Juniata College, June 20–22
Church of the Brethren Annual Conference, July 2-6, Greensboro, N.C.
[all meetings via Zoom unless otherwise noted]
March Newsletter

CALLING CARDS FROM THE DISTRICT MODERATORThe start of spring. Warmer temps. Still getting some snow. Seeing your first robin.
Ash on foreheads. Ash Wednesday. The 40 days of Lent begins.
During Lent we are called to prepare ourselves for Easter through reflecting, prayer and fasting.
Think back to the life and times of Jesus: What things he endured through his walks, the time he was told that his friend Lazarus had died, and the pouring of oil onto his feet at Simon’s house. The ridicule his disciples gave him for that. Just a few things during the last 40 days before his death.
As followers of Christ today may decide to increase our prayer time or change our prayer style. Some may use a daily devotional or a Lenten calendar to draw themselves closer to God.
As for fasting, some Christians have turned to not eating meat on Fridays. Hence, fish frys in restaurants, fish sticks at home, or cheese pizza at school. Or others may lead a less lavish lifestyle during this time.
Whatever traditions you are starting, or continuing, keep in mind Jesus, the parables he told and their meaning and the way he treated others.
Be blessed and be a blessing during this time of Lent.
Bill Williams IL/WI District Moderator
For a day that's simply ducky, Full of things all quite potluck-y, Spend Saturday in Peoria, With worship, food, and more-ia!
Yes, it's POTLUCK EXPERIENCE week! We hope to see many of you this Saturday (March 29) at Peoria First Church of the Brethren (4714 N. Sheridan Rd., Peoria) for a special day in our district. Registration/check-in and a continental breakfast open at 8:30 a.m., and the main events kick off at 9:30 a.m., wrapping up by 3:30. A full schedule is attached.
We had one change to our panel presenters; an updated "key information" sheet is attached, along with the full schedule. Everything is FREE, but we do ask you to bring a dish or two to share at the signature midday potluck meal. Beverages and place settings will be provided.
While walk-ins are welcome, we encourage you to register in advance so the church knows how many to plan for. If you haven't already done so, just go to https://iwdpotluck.rsvpify.com for a quick registration and confirmation! The registration link will remain open through Friday.
And don't forget: We are collecting items to donate to Peoria's Mountain Mission project in Kentucky. Only smaller items can be accepted; everything should fit into a white kitchen-sized trash bag. Please be in prayer for our big event, and try to join us!

GLOBAL FOOD INITIATIVE APPLICATION INVITATION Congregations are invited to apply for a Global Food Initiative (GFI) grant, to support efforts to address domestic hunger and homelessness. In the past, Global Food Initiative grants have supported congregation-based garden projects, soup kitchens, food pantries, and more.
If you have an idea and would like to discuss, please feel free to reach out to the Global Food Initiative Manager, Jenn Hosler, by emailing her at jhosler@brethren.org.
CAMP NEWS Registration for the Camp Emmaus 2025 summer season is open at campemmaus.churchcenter.com/registrations. A discounted price is available for those who register before June 1.
The camping season will kick off with the Spring Into Camp event on Saturday, April 26. The annual Camp Clean-Up Day will be May 31. The summer schedule will include the following offerings:
May 23-26 Memorial Day Family Camp
June 20-22 CIT Training
June 21-22 Elementary (K-Grade 2)
July 6-12 Survivor Camp at Camp Mack (Grades 6-8)
July 13-19 Senior High (Grades 9-12)
July 20-26 Middle School (Grades 6-8)
July 27-31 Intermediate (Grades 3-5)
Aug. 1-3 Young Adult/Young at Heart (Ages 18+)
Aug. 3-6 Target Sports Camp
Aug. 7-9 Women’s Camp
Aug. 22-24 Men’s Camp
Aug. 29-Sept. 1 Labor Day Family Camp
Camp Emmaus manager Randall Westfall is also leading several local outdoor education sessions at the camp this month in cooperation with the Oregon Park District, and a fire-building “Escape to Emmaus” day is taking place March 8. For more information about the camp, visit www.campemmaus.org.
Camp Emmanuel is currently closed for the winter season. Visit www.campem.com for Camp Emmanuel news. Details on this summer’s program will be available soon, with the following schedule:
May 30-June 1 Women’s Camp
June 5-8 High School Camp
June 8-14 Middle School Camp
June 15-19 Junior Camp
July 14-18 Day Camp
July 18-20 Creation Camp
Aug. 8-10 Men’s Camp
Aug. 29-Sept. 1 Family Camp
Both camps are currently seeking lifeguards for the summer season. Contact the respective camps for more information on these paid positions.
YOUTH AND YOUNG ADULT NEWS Christian Citizenship Seminar is planned for April 5-9, giving high school students a chance to explore the theme “Faith for Change,” culminating in legislative visits on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C. Find out more at www.brethren.org/yya/ccs. National Youth Sunday on May 4 will be an opportunity for congregations to empower senior high youth to plan and lead worship. Resources will be posted at www.brethren.org/yya/national-youth-sunday. Young Adult Conference is planned for May 23-25, at Brethren Woods near Keezletown, Va. The annual event offers people ages 18-35 a chance to enjoy fellowship, worship, recreation, Bible study, service projects, and more. See www.brethren.org/yya/yac. National Junior High Conference takes place June 20-22 at Juniata College in Huntingdon, Pa. Join other junior high youth and adult advisors for a weekend packed with powerful worship, fun workshops, music, recreation, and more. Registration opened Jan. 10. Registration and details are at www.brethren.org/yya/njhc. National Youth Conference 2026 will take place July 18-23, 2026, with a return to the site that the conference used in 1990 and prior years: the YMCA of the Rockies in Estes Park, Colo. More information will come in the months ahead at National Youth Conference. MennoMedia has announced a “ Living Forward: Anabaptism at 500 Essay Contest” offering eligible students the opportunity to earn a scholarship for the 2025-2026 academic year. This contest invites students to reflect on the enduring values of the Anabaptist tradition—which includes the Church of the Brethren—and their relevance in today’s world. The overall winner will receive a $1,000 scholarship, and the first runner-up will be awarded a $500 scholarship. Scholarships may be used toward tuition, book costs, and related course fees. Participants should write a 750 to 1,000-word essay responding to the prompt: “Timeless Values in a Changing World.” Writers will identify the distinctive values of the Anabaptist tradition and discuss how these values are shaping the future of the church and influencing broader society in the decades to come. Applicants must be current high school seniors, current college students, or students returning to college after a break from academics and enrolled full-time (at least 12 credit hours per semester) during the 2025-2026 academic year at an accredited two-year or four-year undergraduate or trade school program in the United States or Canada. Submit application and all required documentation postmarked or emailed by April 19. Find out more at www.mennomedia.org/living-forward-essay-contest.
Registration for Church of the Brethren FaithX short-term service trips opened on Jan. 8 at www.brethren.org/faithx. The 2025 theme is “Living with Purpose.” The trips challenge participants to become more aware of themselves, their communities, and their world by serving alongside others following Christ’s example.
This coming year, FaithX participants will have the opportunity to serve in a variety of ministry and non-profit settings, live and worship in community, explore a new place, examine their values and beliefs, and have too much fun! A summary of the 2025 trip locations, with descriptions and pricing information, is at www.brethren.org/faithx/schedule.
The summer offerings include two junior high trips, four joint junior high/senior high trips, two senior high trips, one family experience July 25-27 at Camp Mardela in Maryland, and two adult trips (including an international venture to Uganda). A few of the summer trips have already filled, so check out the remaining openings and register soon if interested.
Children’s Disaster Services (CDS) is preparing to hold three new volunteer training events this spring: March 28-29 at Creekside Church of the Brethren, Elkhart, Ind., Friday at 4:30 p.m. through Saturday at 5:30 p.m.; April 5-6 at La Verne (Calif.) Church of the Brethren, Saturday at 8:30 a.m. through Sunday at 9:30 a.m.; and May 2-3 at McPherson (Kan.) Church of the Brethren, Friday at 4:30 p.m. through Saturday at 5:30 p.m. Trainings are open to those who are 18 years or older, have a heart for children, and may be interested in becoming CDS volunteers. For currently certified CDS volunteers: If it has been more than five years since you have been out on a disaster response or taken a training, CDS suggests attending a volunteer training as a refresher to review policies, procedures, and updates regarding disaster responses. To register in a scheduled training, go to www.brethren.org/cds/training/dates.html. Brethren Disaster Ministries is continuing work this year at a rebuilding site in Letcher County, Ky. Information is at: www.brethren.org/bdm/rebuild/schedules. Illinois/Wisconsin is scheduled to assist with a team Dec. 7-13. A YouTube video about the Letcher County site is at https://youtu.be/gmKy5PDf4PE. A second project site is expected to open later this year.
Here at Brethren Volunteer Service, we are already gearing up for our 2025 volunteer orientations! We have spots available for those who want to serve for a year and put their faith into action; details about BVS can be found at www.brethren.org/bvs. Those who’d like to join BVS, fill out an online application and participate in one of our orientations.
Summer Orientation: July 27 – August 4 at Camp Colorado in Sedalia, Colorado
Fall Orientation: September 10-18 at Camp Mardela in Denton, Maryland
We will be hosting a Zoom information session about BVS on April 15 at 7:00 pm Central. You and others you know are welcome to stop by and hear more about BVS from our staff. Register in advance using this link: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/nZT3YV66T2ibvOlRAhtZrQ
If you or any in your church would like paper copies of the BVS brochure or project book, please contact the BVS office at bvs@brethren.org and we can send those out in the mail.
Thank you for your continued support of the Church of the Brethren service ministries!
Blessings, Chelsea
PS. Most of our volunteers join BVS because someone they know encouraged them to apply. Who could you encourage?
he 2025 Illinois/Wisconsin District clergy gathering and CEU event will take place May 1-2 at Bishop Lane Retreat Center near Rockford (7708 E. McGregor Rd.). The event, planned by the district Ministry Leadership Development Team (MLDT), will begin at 4 p.m. on Thursday, May 1 (with registration and check-in available beginning at 3 p.m.) and will conclude by 4 p.m. on Friday. A registration link will be available later this month.
The event is open to all those in the district who are licensed or ordained or are currently in a ministry discernment program. Our leader this year will be Stan Dueck, director of organizational leadership for the Church of the Brethren, on the theme "Ministry in a BANI* World" (*Brittle, Anxious, Non-Linear, and Incomprehensible). Stan has spent significant time researching the changing landscape of the church and ministry and will be leading some fascinating exploration and conversations. Pastors, chaplains, denominational staff, retired ministers, or those serving in another role should all find it helpful and engaging.
Thanks to a subsidy from MLDT, the per-person registration cost is just $75, which includes a private room with bathroom (or shared room for those who would like to share a double with someone), three meals, and all program fees. Participants will receive 0.5 CEU's. (If money is an issue, please contact district executive Walt Wiltschek directly and confidentially at iwdde@outlook.com to discuss options.) In addition to the sessions and meals, the schedule will include time for worship and some "down time" to enjoy the beautiful grounds, play games, or have some R&R. Anyone who would like to come early to stay Wednesday night at Bishop Lane for a longer retreat time should contact the center directly at 815-965-5011 to inquire about possibilities.

Are you seeking a spiritually enriching and creative space to worship, learn, network, and grow? With everything happening in the world and the church, would it be beneficial for you to connect with other Jesus followers who are exploring and implementing fresh expressions of mission, church planting, and congregational revitalization? If so, you are invited to join the New & Renew Conference May 14-16 at the Church of the Brethren General Offices in Elgin, Illinois. Registration opened on Feb. 10.
The conference theme, "God is Doing a New Thing," is inspired by Isaiah 43:19. The keynote presenter is Jonathan Brooks, affectionately known as Pastor J. He serves as the lead pastor at Lawndale Christian Community Church. He is the Chief Inspiration Officer for Lawndale Christian Ministries. Pastor J is a sought-after speaker, writer, artist, organizer, and community developer. Additionally, he authored the book Church Forsaken: Practicing Presence in Neglected Neighborhoods.
The conference will be available in a hybrid format, allowing participants to attend in-person or online. More than 20 CEU-approved sessions will deepen understanding of church planting, congregational renewal, and current cultural trends. In addition to workshops, inspirational worship, and keynote sessions, the storytelling and sharing opportunities will be part of the event. For those who can’t attend in person, registration will grant access to recorded keynotes and workshops, allowing participants to earn up to 2.6 CEUs until Dec. 31. For more information and to register, visit www.brethren.org/newandrenew.
ANNUAL CONFERENCE BRIEFING We're pleased to share that Annual Conference moderator Dava Hensley will join us virtually for an Annual Conference briefing on Zoom on Saturday, June 14, at 10 a.m. This is especially designed for delegates to get a preview of business and other notable events at this summer's Conference (July 2-6 in Greensboro, N.C.), but anyone is welcome (and encouraged) to attend. It will last no more than an hour. A Zoom link and additional information will be sent at a later date; for now, mark your calendars and plan to join us for an informative morning!
Annual Conference registration opens at 12 p.m. on March 5 at www.brethren.org/ac2025.
2025 ANNUAL CONFERENCEWe're pleased to share that Annual Conference moderator Dava Hensley will join us virtually for an Annual Conference briefing on Zoom on Saturday, June 14, at 10 a.m. This is especially designed for delegates to get a preview of business and other notable events at this summer's Conference (July 2-6 in Greensboro, N.C.), but anyone is welcome (and encouraged) to attend. It will last no more than an hour. A Zoom link and additional information will be sent at a later date; for now, mark your calendars and plan to join us for an informative morning! (As noted above, Dava will also be visiting the Freeport church and preaching on May 11!)

The 2025 Church of the Brethren Annual Conference will take place Wednesday, July 2, to Sunday, July 6, at the Koury Convention Center in Greensboro, North Carolina. Registration and hotel reservations opened to the public on March 5 at www.brethren.org/ac2025. The Annual Conference office has announced the following registration fee schedule:
For advance registration (March 5-June 10): Delegates $350; Non-delegate adult, full conference, $175; Non-delegate adult, daily rate, $60; Post-high school to age 21, full conference, $50; Post-high school to age 21, daily rate, $20; Current high school student or younger, free; Active BVSer, free.
For on-site registration (opens July 1): Delegates $425; Non-delegate adult, full conference, $210; Non-delegate adult, daily rate, $75; Post-high school to age 21, full conference, $50; Post-high school to age 21, daily rate, $20; Current high school student or younger, free; Active BVSer, free. Note there is an additional fee for age-group activities.
Registration for virtual participation (non-delegate only): Adult (until June 10), full conference, $195 or daily rate, $75. Group/institutional registration, $500; Post-high school to age 21, full conference, $75. Worship services are available free of charge.
Please consider sending a delegate from your congregation. Congregations of up to 200 members receive one delegate, with one additional delegate for every additional 200 members or portion thereof. Delegate and non-delegate registration can be found at www.brethren.org/ac2025 (click “Registration”). A guide to registering online is available if needed.
Lodging: the Sheraton Greensboro at Four Seasons is connected to the Koury Convention Center, making it extremely convenient for guests. The Annual Conference room rate is $120 plus tax (12.75%) totaling $135.30 per night. Parking is complimentary. The Sheraton Hotel provides complimentary shuttle transportation to and from Piedmont Triad International Airport from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. In room Wi-Fi is complimentary for all hotel guests. The link for hotel registration will come up immediately after registering for the conference.
New this year will be a conference welcome meal, beginning 5 p.m. July 2 at the hotel’s Joseph’s Restaurant. The dinner buffet will be $19.95 for adults, $14.95 for 12 and under. No reservations are required, and attendees will pay onsite.
Ushers needed: From usher coordinator David Ansley: “During worship we need volunteer ushers to help receive offerings and record attendance. While an important role in our worship services, ushering requires very little time and does not take away from participating in the rest of the worship service. You will be able to sign up when registering for Annual Conference and at the usher table when you arrive and check in for the conference, however I would like to have our first service covered on Wednesday night, before the conference begins. Once you have registered for conference, please follow the links to sign up to volunteer as an usher. You can also reach out to me directly at davidansley704@gmail.com and let me know if you are willing to serve on Wednesday evening, or for any of the other worship services. Please use ‘AC usher’ in the subject line. Feel free to contact me via text or call at 540-314-8146.”
The next National Older Adult Conference (NOAC) will be held Sept. 1-5, at Lake Junaluska, N.C., with the theme “Alive in the Spirit!” Registration will open May 1 at www.brethren.org/noac. Past attendees will receive an email with the registration link via email that day. Those needing special accommodations due to health/mobility issues will be able to register April 21-28.
Registration fees will be $220 for early-bird registration (May 1 to July 20), or $250 for regular registration. First-time attendees receive a $20 discount. A virtual participation registration option will be available for $150 per household.
The planning team includes Heidi Berkenbosch, Deanna Brown, Bonnie Kline Smeltzer, Leonard Matheny (Peoria First), Don Mitchell, Karlene Tyler, and coordinator Christy Waltersdorff (York Center). Debbie Noffsinger (Highland Avenue) designed the NOAC 2025 logo. Registration information and other details will be coming out soon. |
2025 DISTRICT CONFERENCE The 2025 Illinois/Wisconsin District conference will take place Nov. 7-8 at The Chateau Hotel & Conference Center in Bloomington, Ill. Bill Williams (Yellow Creek) will serve as moderator, with the theme “Are You Being Called?” Jocelyn Watkins (Peoria First) serves as moderator-elect.
A continuing education event will be offered for clergy and others during the day on Friday, Nov. 7, with the main conference starting with worship Friday evening and continuing with business and equipping sessions on Saturday, along with meals, exhibits, and other events.
All congregations are encouraged to send their allotted delegates to the conference. Per the 2022 constitution revisions, each congregation of 100 or fewer members can send three delegates, with one additional delegate for every 100 members or portion thereof. The pastor (if any) and board/leadership team chair typically serve as delegates, along with at-large members called by the congregation. The district Program & Arrangements Committee recently voted to increase the district conference assessment to cover costs; it will now be $30 per allotted delegate. Non-delegate registration will also increase slightly, to $15 per person.
More details will be coming in the months ahead, with registration opening in late summer or early fall. We hope that you and other members of your congregation will join us for this important time in the life of our district!
GUEST SPEAKER LISTThere is a Speakers List for the Illinois/Wisconsin District. Persons included in this document have accepted the invitation to be available to preach during worship services or for other special events as indicated. Hopefully you will find this tool useful and valuable when the need arises for inviting a guest speaker.
The speakers on this list are all credentialed ministers, either licensed or ordained. We would like to expand the list to include more credentialed ministers as well as interested laity. If your name is absent from the list and you have interest in serving as a guest speaker, please inform the district office. We would also welcome the names of persons you might suggest for inclusion on the list.
Since this is a new venture, it is likely we may need to provide more information than is included. Your input as to how the list can be improved would be welcomed.
Please share with the District Office any questions, comments, or concerns you may have.
Grants available through the district include the following:
1. Mission and Mortar: Sustaining and developing ministry (mission) within congregations, as well as maintaining property (mortar), is sometimes hindered because of inadequate financial resources. The Illinois/Wisconsin District, whose mission is to support the growth and development of member congregations, realizes that this dilemma exists and desires to financially support congregations that are in good standing with the district and have specific needs. More information can be found here.
2. Being Jesus in the Neighborhood: Congregations can apply for $100 in seed money to start a new outreach project or initiative in their local communities, or to expand an existing one. These should be projects that intentionally engage with the neighborhood immediately around the congregation, or for those in rural locations, with the town or area around the church. Each congregation receiving a grant will be asked to share a little about their project at district conference. More information can be found here.
3. Emerging Missions Fund: To facilitate the growth and establishment of new faith communities, this grant is available for church and ministry planting initiatives. New church and ministry plants are encouraged to apply by contacting the district office and/or the CRDT.
INFORMATION REPORTINGAll ordained ministers, licensed ministers, and congregations need to keep the District Office informed of changes in contact information. Changes include: phone number, cell phone number, email address, mailing address, and congregational email or website. Please email Peggy Moylan, peg.district@gmail.com, or call 630-644-4259 with your updates. Your effort will save valuable staff time trying to track down these changes. Other information to share: changes in key leadership positions at the church or the death or serious illnesses of minister, retired ministers, or spouses. Help us serve better!
CEU CREDITS FOR ORDAINED MINISTERSDo not wait to begin to log your Continuing Education Units. The 2025 Five-year Ordination Review process for ALL ordained ministers will launch in 2024. Ordained ministers are required to produce verification of 5 CEU credits for this five-year period. It is your responsibility to secure certificates, letters or verifying documentation regarding CEU credit. Retired clergy are exempt from this requirement with the exception of those retired clergy actively involved in Interim Ministry. CEU Notation: The district does not grant CEU credit for personal study and/or self-designed experiences you have had and/or books you have read. It is the minister's responsibility to secure a CEU certificate, Letter of Verification, and/or authentication document for completed training, seminars or workshops, or learning experiences offered by the presenting organization. This verification should always state the number of hours of the training - 10 hours of training equals 1.0 CEU credits. Please take personal initiative to become a life-long learner and increasingly effective minister of the Gospel.
GIFTS DISCERNMENTThe Gifts Discernment and Call Committee seeks your help. We are commissioned to call active, informed, and committed members of congregations or fellowships from within our District to positions of service. These persons, both pastors and lay members, are to be called from all parts of the District and to represent the diversity among us. Our committee's knowledge of members eligible and capable to serve is limited. Therefore, we make this appeal for assistance.
- Each congregation in the district has a Liaison Leadership Team member who may be contacted with any questions or concerns about the ministries of our district.
- Add news, announcements, or your congregation's web site URL to the district site. Email your information to the